Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ


Cross Country Championships at Balgownie, 2018

A massive well done to all 14 Kingsford pupils who crossed the finished line at Balgownie Playing Fields on Friday 16th March! You did us proud!

The children had to run one hilly mile in wintry conditions.

For the P5 pupils, it was the first time they had been to such a large scale competition with 1,700 pupils from Aberdeen City & Shire primary and secondary schools expected to race on the day.

Most of the P6 & P7 pupils had competed the previous year with many of them improving their position in the races.

Congratulations to Amelia, Faith, Brooke, Scarlet, Katie, Karla, Kieran, Fraser, Shaun, Pierce, Shay, Joel, Elwin & Nathan!