Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ


Hour of Genius

One of the favourite times of the week in Room 8 is Friday before break, our Hour of Genius.  It is an approach to learning built around the children’s curiosity, self-directed learning, and passion-based work.  The children tell each other what they want to be genius at and how they are going to work to achieve that goal.  Some of the recent choices were fine motor control skills, practising musical instruments, reading, general knowledge, computer coding, maths, puzzle solving and creative writing.  Some times the children want to work alone, sometimes they organise their learning with a partner or group.

Last week our Hour was cut short by a rather large spider which caused quite a commotion.  However, once caught under Mr Roach’s water glass, the spider was an object of wonder and closely looked at by almost everyone before being safely released out side.