Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ


Career Day

At the end of Term 3, Primary 4s and 5s were fortunate to have many family members, and members of the community, come into school and share about their careers. We were overwhelmed with the number of individuals who came to support the children’s learning, and the positive response we had from the children. The children were able to learn about what different careers entailed, as well as the pathways they would need to follow to get a job in that field. Thank you to everyone who came along!

Children’s feedback:

After I spoke with the policeman, I wanted to become a policegirl. – HG

I thought I was going to become an astronaut, but I have learnt that there are other cool jobs! – KL

I learnt that trying to help someone breathe during CPR is hard. – AC

I learnt there are lots of cool jobs. – MC

There were a lot of engineering and science jobs, which was good because I want to be a scientist. – HL