Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ

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P4s Epic Trip to Stonehaven!


On Friday June 28th, both P4s set out from school on a trip to Stonehaven, made possible by our dedicated parent helpers! We took a hired bus from school, then all 48 pupils, 2 teachers, and 4 helpers got on the train!  For many pupils, this was the first time on the train. We walked to Arduthie school where we were met by Mrs Thom (previously at Kingsford School), and her P4 class. We played a bit in their playground, then the Arduthie P4s guided us on a walk to a rocky area of the beach where the pupils were given some tasks to do with the rocks.  From there it was off to the play park for some lunch and delicious ice-cream, thanks to the hard work of Room 8s ‘football moms’ who worked hard to raise money for this treat!  The trip was described by pupils as: epic, fabulous, extraordinary, amazing, best day of my life, best trip ever…

Many adults along the way, including the train ticket man and conductor described our kids as some of the best-behaved pupils they’ve ever seen on a school trip.  We’re very proud of their fantastic behaviour throughout the day!