Sports Day 2017
Well done to everyone who took part in Sports Day 2017 last week. Everyone gave 100% effort!
The morning began with all of the countries, one by one, parading out onto the pitch to their chosen song with the team captain from each carrying the flag.
The countries had to earn as many points as they could at each station in the allocated amount of time. There were 14 stations in total, two of which were rest stations to refuel those busy bodies!
This year, the stations included:
• Beat the Goalie
• Bat & Ball Balance
• Hoops Run
• Hockey Dribble
• Basketball
• Shuttle Run
• Hurdles
• Football Dribbling
• Cricket
• Balance Beam
• Volleyball
• Slalom Run
Whilst the scores for all of the countries were being added up, the Nursery (AM session) joined the school on the pitch and completed their very own six stations: Horse & Jockey, Beanbag Throw, Shuttle Run, Balancing Beam, Hurdles and the Space Ship Race. All of the Nursery Children received a medal for their participation.
This year’s winning countries for the school sports were:
Philippines – 1st Place
Argentina – 2nd Place
Bulgaria – 3rd Place
The afternoon session began with the Nursery children (PM pupils) completing their stations. Afterwards, the school children competed in a sprinting race with the girls or boys from their year group. The P7s competed in the Inter-continental Tug of War. This provided the pupils who had reached the sprinting finals with time to catch their breath before racing again.
Thank you to everyone who helped throughout the day! Without all of your help, the day could not have run as smoothly.