Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ

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Social Dance – P1 & P3



The pupils in P1 and P3 at Kingsford have been working hard together over the last few weeks to learn and memorize the dance steps for their Christmas Party. The Christmas Party always begins with one Social Dance before traditional party games like Corners and Musical Statues.

Each P3 pupil has been paired with a P1 pupil. This has provided an opportunity for the P3 pupils to demonstrate responsibility and leadership skills, which they have taken seriously, whilst the P1 pupils have had the chance to work with new people.

P3 RM5 has been paired with P1 RM1 and P3 RM4 paired with P1 RM2.

Learning the dance has given all pupils the chance to develop their galloping, skipping and side-stepping as well as rhythm, timing and beat.

The dance begins with all of the pairs skipping anti-clockwise in a circle until they are back where they started. They have 24 beats to do this (three rounds of eight). The P3, who is on the outside of the circle, skips around their partner. The P1 then skips around their P3 partner. They each have eight beats to complete this in. Lots of counting!

The dance continues with all of the pairs side-stepping anti-clockwise in circle, whilst holding both hands, until they are back where they started. The boys and girls then clap individually for eight beats and then clap together for eight beats.

This repeated until the song finishes.

The boys and girls have done so well that they no longer need the markers on the floor (as seen in the photos) to help them with where to start/stop.  This week the P1s even managed to complete the dance with another P1 partner! Well done to the P3 pupils who kept them right up until now.

With all of the excitement expected at the party, we’ll continue as planned with each P1 being paired with a P3 pupil.

The P3 classes have also had  the opportunity to learn other social dances such as a variation of the Flying Scotsman to traditional and non-tradition music. One class have even attempted Strip the Willow (after being so inspired by the P5 performance).

Unfortunately, videos cannot be uploaded onto the school website so photos were taken instead. Since they are busy dancing some photos might be a little blurry.