Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ


Make a Splash Diving Programme

The boys and girls at Kingsford, in P2-P6, were very lucky this week to experience a taster diving session lead by coaches from Aberdeen Sports Village. In the session, on land (no swimming pool required), the children participated in strength, flexibility, agility and power exercises.  The coaches were looking for  children demonstrating potential in these areas of fitness, which form the basics of diving, as well as those willing to listen and learn.

The pupils loved trying something new and different and many spoke of how fun and exciting it was.

All of the children who participated received a certificate to take home.

Any children showing exceptional diving potential will receive a letter in a few weeks time inviting them along to another session session.

However, the coaches did say that if any children enjoyed the session they are more than welcome to attend classes. There are classes for all abilities throughout the week at Aberdeen Sports Village. Information about the classes was on the flyer given to pupils along with the certificate but is also in the first photo.