Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ


Toothpaste Eggsperiments in Room 8

Following on from a visit by Karen from ‘Child Smile’, the children in Room 8 are now in the routine of brushing their teeth everyday after lunch.

To see the beneficial effect of teeth brushing the children are carrying out a science experiment with eggs (Mrs Buchanan took the precaution of hard boiling them first!).  Every pair of children was given an egg which they placed in a cup and covered with either water or fizzy pop.  Some of the pairs had covered their eggs with toothpaste first.

Here are some of the predictions:

‘The shell in the cola will crack.’

‘The water will wash off the toothpaste.’

‘The colour of the shells without toothpaste in fizzy pop will fade.’

‘The shells will get spots on when it’s in the fizzy drink.’

The eggsperiments were left on the window sill over night to replicate having a fizzy drink before bedtime and brushing, or not, our teeth.

We’ll let you know tomorrow what we have learnt and will continue to brush our teeth in the meantime.