Kingsford School

Kingsford Road, Sheddocksley, Aberdeen, AB16 6PQ

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Active Math Time- P4, R14


After an intensive week of math lessons and challenges, we all look forward to Active Math Fridays after our CLIC lesson.  3 tables are set up with various team games, and an iPad/laptop station. On electronics, children are allowed to go on Sushi Monster, Hit the Button, or Maths Playground to practice their number bonds, multiplication and general calculations knowledge. They love to challenge themselves and each other, beating their previous score or their friends’. The 3 tables are set up with multiplication / quick addition & subtraction snaps, partitioning challenges, and various games all covering our learning.  Mrs Zem also has a ‘math helping corner’ where unfinished/correction work gets done. Most times the children decide themselves they need more help and sit at the table – she’s never sitting alone on Active Math Fridays! It makes her day when students choose to sit at her table rather than use their iPad/laptop time!