R14s 2019 Aspirations
Room 14 has had a great start to 2019, Term 3! We welcomed a new girl who has fit right in, and we’ve spent a bit of time reviewing our learning from the last terms, especially in literacy and mathematics.
The most fun, however, was talking to friends about the following, then working on their Flap Activity now proudly displayed in class:
- Two things they achieved last year (one from school and one from outside)
- Something they will try to stop doing in 2019
- One person they want to get to know better in Room 14
- Five things they want to learn or find out about
Parents and carers will be delighted to know (as was I) that the majority of R14 said they will try to stop CHATTING in class and try to stop FIGHTING with or ANNOYING their siblings! 🙂